How to do self-talk? Meaning and ways

Self Talk is a term used to describe the inner dialogue in our heads. It is a stream of thoughts about what we think, feel, wants, and do. It is the thoughts that we automatically have with little or no conscious effort.

This can be positive or negative, and this is called self-empowering or self-defeating self-talk. 
Self-defeating self-talk can limit our lives in many ways it holds us back from achieving goals, makes us think negatively about ourselves, and reasons out why something cannot be done rather than motivates us to give it a try. 
For example, if you are trying to motivate yourself by saying, ‘come on, I can do this come one come on,’. Your inner voice says, ‘no, you can’t. You will fail like always’.
The self-defeating self-talk will hold you back more than the motivating self-talk. It can be self-criticism or self-praise, self-doubt, or self-belief.

The Power of Self-talk: 

Have you ever been in a situation where you have had negative thoughts?. How did it make you feel? Did it affect your performance? What effect did it have on your body language? 
When people are stressed out, they will often complain of “feeling all wound up” this tension can be caused by the inner voice – worrying about what might happen.
They may also say they don’t sleep well because their mind keeps going over things and can, so maybe you are someone who has heard self-talk or positive self-talk and wondered if it is something you should start doing for yourself.

The answer is yes, and you should be self-talking! Self-talk can help to boost your self-esteem, improve your moods, increase motivation, reinforce good habits and build confidence.

Does SELF-TALK impact?

I can guarantee you that when you start self-talking in the natural senses. Nothing can stop you or any person who does it. But, the right way is the only critical point, in which neither you nor I might have done it before, but, yes, we should have a try on it. 
And the same has been scientifically proven, so no myth shall even stand out here; kick the myths.
Research had demonstrated that when one among two groups of members tried self-talk, then the efficiency of that group lit up compared to the other one.
So, the only question that might be hitting your mind is, how do I self-talk? Well, why fears? All questions will rise here and will also be ended up here only. So let’s jump into the answer to the question:

How do I self-talk?

Self-talk is something that most people do, but it can be done in many different ways. It is not just about saying positive affirmations to yourself like “you’re great” all the time; 
It can take on many forms; for example – self-praise when you complete a task at work. Self-criticism when you make a mistake, or self-doubt when you are feeling low. 
You can self-talk by thinking in pictures or visualizing things. Visualizing things or thinking is a vast topic and significantly impacts you and your future, but it will lift that veil later on in some hot case shortly.
The foremost rule one should focus on is that the self-talk must happen in the First-person, not from a second or third-person perspective. 
Never restricts or narrow your thought process to any specific thought. Keep questioning and keep answering yourself; the best will come out subconsciously. You need to trust, not on me, but on yourself.
The next point follows the same idea of trust that your thought may give negative vibes, but you must focus on the present. What mainly happens is that the unrealistic thoughts generally get accepted by our minds and do convince very prominently. 
Negative self-talk often arises a question of doubt to someone on their looks, behavior or any other factor and the same person feels disappointed by just a thought which appeared for a couple of seconds.
One must trust the process and also must have to understand the reason for life; all are unique, diligent steps can change the complexity, the looks, the habits, the behavior, but if it cannot be, then one has to accept oneself. 
It’s not the looks that matter, and it’s not the complexity that matters. It’s the heart and the cleanliness that matters. A clean body and a clean soul are always prioritized over others, maybe not by your surrounded people but done by genuine souls.
Self-talk is always preferred to be done with an open and calm mind. It would help if you had a proper time to interact with yourself and to analyze the thought process striking into your mind while self-talking. 
However, there are some moments where speedy self-talk takes advantage of it, but yes, a free and calm mind is a must for this. 


The best time is the 15 minutes before sleep or the early morning when you wake up because, in these two time minutes, your mind is highly calm or not over-burdened. 
The sub-conscious process works better at night during sleep, and the instant fresh mind process works in the early morning (may differ from person to person) 
A constructive inner voice and self-talk can significantly impact one’s mindset and help one overcome the challenges one is facing in life. 
Harsh self-talk can also be advantageous somewhat; it challenges a person to jump or tackle a predicament.
Thoughts you must force your mind to have:
• It will have no or minimal impact in future
• I can face this situation
• I will learn from this experience 
• It’s not in my control so I can accept it
• It’s a faze of life, It will surely pass and something good will come out of it shortly
That’s it for today, we will be coming up with the next blog soon. Till that time you can read our other blogs –

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