Yoga poses for stress relief

8 Yoga Poses to Help You Calm Down

The modern world can be stressful, both at work and in your personal life. 

And when you’re stressed, your body feels the effects of that stress in the form of tension that builds up in your muscles and throughout your whole body. 

Yoga can help with that because it’s a relaxing activity that stretches out your muscles and helps you to find calm amid chaos so that you can better handle whatever stress comes your way. 

Here are 8 yoga poses to help you relax when you need it most.

Child’s Pose

The chakras are energy centers in our body, where prana (energy) flows. The first one is located at the base of our spine, and it’s called Muladhara. 

In Sanskrit, Muladhara means root support—it’s also known as child’s pose, a deep-seated position that stimulates that part of us. 

It’s very grounding, so if you feel on edge or even experience fear, you can use the child’s pose to ground yourself with your breath.

It doesn’t matter if you sit crossed-legged or on your heels; simply bring your torso down while keeping your forehead pressed against your knees. The most important thing is being able to breathe freely from here.

Eagle Pose

The Eagle pose is a good way to stretch out your spine, hips, and shoulders. Since it’s easy for people with tight shoulders and hamstrings, an eagle pose is also a good way to start a yoga session if you don’t feel flexible in these areas.

Stand straight, then bend forward from your hips until you can place your palms on your thighs. Extend one leg back until you are balancing on one foot. If the balance isn’t an issue, raise both arms over your head as well.

Forward Bend

This yoga pose is more than just a way to stretch your hamstrings and hips; it helps relax your nervous system, too. 

To do it, stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward, reach your hands down toward your toes, and grab hold of your right foot. 

Next, using both hands, gently pull your right foot back in toward you so that you feel a good stretch in your hamstring muscle (and not pain). Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

Repeat on another side. Then, slowly return to a standing position. When done regularly, Forward Bends can help alleviate stress by giving yourself space mentally as well as physically.

Corpse Pose

Lie down on your back with knees bent, arms by your sides. If it is comfortable, rest your head on a pillow or blanket. 

Let your whole body relax. Breathe slowly and deeply. Relax every muscle in your body. Let go of all thoughts, worries, and stressors in your mind. 

Focus only on breathing until you are ready to come out of Corpse Pose when you feel more relaxed and peaceful after 10 minutes of relaxation.

This pose is great for those who experience insomnia at night or throughout the day. It will help lower high blood pressure while improving digestion issues caused by stress. 

This can also be done before meditation if desired and always before bedtime so one can fall asleep easily without tossing and turning due to anxiety which often causes insomnia.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

The Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, also called Ardha Matsyendrasana, is a popular twist that’s simple enough for beginners. 

Start by sitting on your mat with your legs stretched out in front of you and putting both of your hands on top of each other near your chest.

As you inhale, twist from your waist to bring one hand behind you and rest it on either leg. Repeat with your other arm. 

Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then relax by returning to the center and repeat on the opposite side.

Extended Puppy Pose

This is an incredible relaxation pose, especially for people with a lot of stress and anxiety. In Extended Puppy Pose, you stretch your front body while resting your head on a block or a bolster. 

This pose will help to calm your nervous system down by flooding it with feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin.

 If you need some extra support, you can stack two blocks or bolsters together so that they are at waist height when you’re lying flat on your back. 

Your arms should rest comfortably alongside your body with palms facing up; if you have low blood pressure, keep your hands underneath your head instead.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths; listen to birds chirping or watch running water in a nearby stream—anything that helps you relax. 

Stay in Extended Puppy Pose anywhere from five minutes to thirty minutes; then sit up slowly before taking a few moments to walk around (but don’t eat just yet).


In yoga, headstands are known as Shirshasana and are incredibly beneficial for health. 

This pose has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as a way to relieve stress, reduce migraines and promote mental clarity. 

This pose is also considered an effective treatment for chronic neck pain, depression, and poor circulation. To practice Shirshasana regularly, be sure to get professional guidance.

A starting level of flexibility and experience with handstands is also required before attempting headstands. 

Always do your research and learn from instructors who hold accreditation from reputable institutions. 

It’s important to take safety precautions while practicing yoga poses.

Practice them under expert supervision if you are new to it; never push yourself into anything that is beyond your current ability level. 

These poses can increase balance, concentration, and fitness when done properly — just be aware of any injury risks beforehand. 

When in doubt, seek medical attention or help from a qualified instructor.


This pose is at the end of most yoga classes, and for good reason. 

It’s a relaxing way to stretch out your body after a session of activity, and it helps settle your mind if you do it regularly.

Begin by lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms down at the sides with palms facing up. 

Close your eyes and focus on breathing calmly through your nose as you relax all your muscles, including facial muscles and jaw.


In this article, we’ll give you an overview of yoga poses to help you calm down. Health is wealth. 

A healthy person can live more happily and peacefully than an unhealthy one. 

The world has a very large population of people who are living with some kind of health problem. 

Health problems can be caused by many factors like pollution, climate, food habits, mental stress, etc.

Therefore all humans on earth need to take care of their health to lead a happy life without any health problems. 

Keeping yourself calm down when you face problems is also a very important aspect of your health. 

Here we have given a list of eight yoga poses that helps you relax easily. 

Following these yoga asanas regularly will keep your body fresh and vigorous.

By practicing these asanas daily for at least half an hour, you can reduce your stress levels considerably and stay relaxed no matter what situation comes up in your life or workplace.

Thanks for reading!

Content Written by – Jannat Nouman

She is a Blogger and Content Writer:

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